In accordance with Monroe County Community College’s mission to provide student-focused, quality education, its core belief in transparent practices throughout all operations and programs, and its evidence-based culture, MCCC engages in student learning assessment.
Systematically assessing student learning enables the college to determine whether we are achieving our mission by producing skilled, thoughtful citizens, which, in turn, creates dialogue among faculty and shapes teaching practices.
General education – curriculum that prepares students to effectively communicate, think critically and be socially and culturally aware – assessment continues and program and course-level assessments are being developed to ensure that students possess expected competencies. The Learning Assessment Committee is responsible for leading assessment endeavors.
Guided by the college’s mission, vision and core values, the Monroe County Community College Institutional Effectiveness Office enhances institutional effectiveness through actions outlined in the following mission pillars:
- Assessing student learning and academic programs,
- Collecting, analyzing and reporting data to advance college priorities,
- Establishing key performance indicators for student and institutional success
- Reviewing scholarly research involving human subjects, and
- Strategic planning
- Serving as the College's Office of Record for Institutional and Specialized Accreditation and Higher Learning Commission Accreditation Liaison.
For information on each of these mission pillars, review the links provided in the left- hand menu or feel free to contact:
Quri Wygonik
Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Chief Data Officer
S-161 (Warrick Student Center)
Office: (734) 384-4237
Assessment of General Education
Fall 2015-Fall 2016 and Winter 2016-Winter 2017: General Education Competency Assessment Result
General Education Competencies, Outcomes, and Objectives
Working Instructional Assessment Plan
General Timeline
Assessment Schedule
2019 Updated General Timeline
2012-2013: Access and Evaluate Information, Speak Effectively, and Responsible Citizenship
2012 Results
Additional Information
Jenna Bazzell
Kevin Cooper
Maris Fonseca
Nicole Garner (Co-Chair)
Mark Jager
Leon Letter
Dawn Lymond
Ken Mohney (Co-Chair)
Zackary Moore
Felice Moorman
Robin Smith
Michael Snyder
Quri Wygonik
Grace Yackee